Gen Alpha: What Does the Future Hold? - Claire Madden, Daily Telegraph

"Social researcher Claire Madden has provided a snapshot of what babies born today can look forward to."

Claire Madden shared some insights with The Daily Telegraph about what kind of world Gen Alphas - those born since 2010 - might expect to be part of. The world's newest generation will be growing up in a world largely yet to be seen, but it is possible to make some forecasts based on current trends. There's no doubt that new technologies will be a key shaping force for Gen Alphas, even more than they have been for Gen Zs (born 1995-2009), as artificial intelligence becomes more accessible and the blurring between online and offline continues. Here are some excerpts from the online article, available in full here:

  1. Income - “What I’m forecasting is for a baby born today, when they are aged 30 and into their income earning years, the average annual earnings will be $2136 a week. “If we go back to 1987, the average full-time ordinary earning was $437 a week, and today it’s $1179.”

  2. Education - "Madden also predicts more than half of the babies born in 2018 will complete a university education. In the 1970s, three in every 100 Australians had a bachelor degree. That figure today is one in four."

  3. Work and technology - “Gen Alpha will be playing with virtual reality toys in their childhood, artificial intelligence will be part of their formative years,” she said. “As they enter work these things will be a part of everyday life, this technology will assist not replace work.”They are also likely to become their own boss, doing project-based work in a career path that is “far less linear with jobs less defined and structured”.

Article in The Daily Telegraph (print edition):


About Claire Madden

Claire Madden ( is a social researcher, keynote speaker and media commentator interpreting social trends and implications of generational change.  As a keynote speaker, Claire is highly regarded for her dynamic and engaging presentations where she translates robust, research-based content into strategic applications for educators, managers and business leaders. Download Claire’s speaking pack.

To invite Claire to speak at your next event, get in touch here.


Claire Madden on The Summer Drum - ABC


Claire Madden on Channel 7's The Daily Edition: Gen Z and Multigenerational Engagement