Gen Z in the Workplace | Claire Madden on Sky News

Generation Z (born 1995-2009) make up approximately 18% of our population, just under 1 in 10 in the workplace, but by 2025 will make up 31% of our workforce.

Claire Madden was interviewed by Nadine Blayney on the Switzer program on Sky News to discuss how we can best prepare for the emergence of this new generation as employees.  Gen Z are the most technologically savvy, globally connected, socially networked generation in history.  As one Gen Z explained in a recent interview, when you wake up in the morning, the most normal first thing is to check your notifications – “naturally your hand goes to your phone and you’ll open a social media app, it’s almost muscle memory”.

The digital technologies and global communication platforms so readily accessible in today's society have undoubtedly been a tool which has assisted the unprecedented breadth of connections, facilitated over social media platforms and other apps that enable efficient and convenient communication.  But as a Gen Z stated in an in-depth interview, “it creates the weird contradiction – you’re more connected and globally you’ve never been able to access more people or communicate with more people, but it’s affected face to face contact – even when you’re with someone, if it gets a bit boring or the conversation trails off you might get on your phone”.

In this interview, Claire unpacks some of the implications of this technologically savvy generation entering the workforce and keys to building multigenerational teams. 

About Claire Madden

Claire Madden ( is a social researcher, keynote speaker and media commentator interpreting social trends and implications of generational change.  As a keynote speaker, Claire is highly regarded for her dynamic and engaging presentations where she translates robust, research-based content into strategic applications for educators, managers and business leaders. Download Claire’s speaking pack.

To invite Claire to speak at your next event, get in touch here.


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